Shockforces' Pages
How to Join
Members Info
Ranking Scheme
Member Ranking
The Order of Ranks in The ShockForce Clan
#1 = General (the Leader ONLY!)
#2 = Major-General (2nd best player)
#3 = Brigadier General (3rd best player)
#4 = Colonel (high record)
#5 = Major (medium high record)
#6 = Captain (medium record)
#7 = Lieutenant (low record)
#8 = Sergeant (bad record)
#9 = Corporal (crap record)
#10 = Private (new member)

How We Determine A Player's Ranks

We determine a players ranks by weighing out several stats of that clan member. We weigh out the record, record pct., skill, and how they fair against other members of the clan. We see how they fair against other members by making the clan member go through a TRIAL OF RANKS. Whick means that the clan member has to face another member in order to decide what rank they can have bestowed upon them. Example: if a Corporal beats a Major that member is most likely to be promoted to Lieutenant. ONLY worthy memebers may challenge the leader for leadership of this clan.

Any comments? questions? Email the ShockForce at